Anti-Aging Myths

Anti-Aging Myths – Wrinkle Myths

There are so many anti-aging myths and wrinkle myths you really do not know what is true or not.  Here is just a few of them that might put your mind at ease.

True or False

  1. Rubbing your eyes can causes wrinkle? True, Don’t do it – Your are cementing pigment around your eyes – causing lines and wrinkles, it is the thinnest skin on the body.
  2. Drinking out of a water bottle causes wrinkles? True – When you are drinking or sucking, it causes lines around your mouth and is not good,
  3. Botox is great for some wrinkles – Yes, deep wrinkles between the nose and the mouth, you need a filler like Juvederm Ultra Plus – It plump ups your skin, think of your face as cushion and you are losing the filling, so when you collagen goes down you can use this product to help plump it up.
  4. Sleeping on your side causes wrinkles? True – Sleep on your back if you can.
  5. Can you go back to the work after non-surgery (in-office procedure)? No, but you can use a skin-care line – Clinique medical Link to help you recovery and get back to work after surgery faster. It helps redness and inflammation and you can go to work sooner.

Biafine – same thing but is not a system or a kit but helps the skins heal faster so you can get back to work after procedure.

Vivite – has science behind it if you don’t want to go the doctor.

Anti-Aging Myths