Anti-Aging Hormones

Anti-aging Hormones – What are they are and what can we do about them.

Everyone has heard of hormones, but have you heard about these other important anti-aging hormones.

1. Leptin – the Fat Hormone.
2. Growth Human Hormone (or HGH),
3. Metabolism – Keep your the energy (calories) in your body burning to maintain itself.
4. Insulin – regulates glucose in the blood
5. Cortisol – Stress Hormone

I am sure you have heard about some of them.

These words are the names of hormones. These are all anti-aging hormones that helps you stay young and maintain your weight.

When you eat, hormones tell your body what to do with that food, whether to store it or burn it as fuel.

And when you exercise, hormones tell the body how to move and consume energy, and how to boost or shut down different parts of the body.

Hormones control almost every aspect of how we gain weight—and how we can lose it.

Without getting too technical or boring, a hormone is a chemical substance, formed in one organ or part of the body and carried in the blood to another organ or part where they do their job such burning calories. Learn more here, “How can my Metabolism (Hormones) help stop me from gaining weight.”

Have you heard of any of these subjects?
#Does Your Hormones make your old?
#Learn about the Fat Hormone.
# What is your Metabolism?
# Human Growth Hormone Supplement – Is it a waste of money?

See my blog on Growth Hormones


My blog on Weight Metabolism